Corte Altavilla hotel residence applies flexible rates depending on the reservation date and on the date you make a reservation.
So rates are changeble from day to day. To check the rates, please use the reservation tool on our website, otherwise call us or send us an email
Corte Altavilla
hotel ristorante centro benessere
vico G. Altavilla, 8 - 70014 Conversano (Bari) Puglia - Italy
tel. +39. 080.4959668 - whatsapp + 39.3313391041
email: info@cortealtavilla.itLetizia Valenzano
Norba In Srl
vico Goffredo Altavilla, 8 - 70014 Conversano (Bari)
P.IVA: 05549550720
Codice fiscale e numero d'iscrizione: 05549550720
Cap. Soc. Int. Vers. € 51.000,00
Reg. Imp. Ba N° 56362/2000
R.E.A. 42426
CIN: IT072019B400098051
CIR: 072019A100021433